Thursday 9 May 2013


Here's to wishing the my two favourite May born babies very happy birthdays!

My lil' brother is now 19 years old! We used to call him Keith boy until his 8th birthday, when he gathered everyone together and made a very important announcement for us to drop the boy, when addressing him. From then on, we just call him Keith. I think now we can start calling him Keith man. He's showing a lot of maturity now. With the recent Malaysian general elections, he has quite a bit to comment himself. The world is your oyster, young man!


My lil' sister will be turning XX this Saturday. Yes, I guess after the 21st birthday, she stopped counting her age haha. She has taken the fitness industry by storm in these couple of years. And if I ever want to venture into this industry, I see no better person to seek pointers from other than her. Also, she's no longer the tree climbing tomboy I used to dob in to my parents for her every mischief. Okay, maybe she still climbs trees but she's turning into a fine lady herself. Maybe with the extra help from her boyfriend buying her nice gifts to make her more feminine :)

Enjoy your birthday celebrations you two! Missing you both from here in Canada.

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