Saturday, 11 October 2008


Back from Harvey... with an extra weight of 1-2 kgs... I had a limit of A$60 a day for meal reimbursements, so tried my best to use it to the max! But there wasn't much to eat anyway, so most of my binging were on after-meal junk food.

Had a delightful Korean BBQ dinner yesterday at Eric and Renee's to celebrate Renee's birthday. With full Korean theme and everything! Thanks for the scrumptious meal, guys! Really enjoyed it!

I received my custom-made orthotics in-soles today. These things cost me A$645, but that includes any follow-up sessions and future modifications. Too bad my basic health insurance doesn't cover orthotics. The more comprehensive one does, up to a limit of A$200, but the annual premiums are A$300 more, so you do the math!

The wooden clogs shown above are actually the moulds used to make the orthotics. Would be using them to create new orthotics in the future. For a moment, I thought those were my shoe inserts!

I was advised to wear them through on walking shoes for now. Would only start using them for running in a week's time.

... It is only a few hours until the Kona Ironman World Championships gets underway. Would be cheering on Malaysia's sole representative, Carmen Leong. Do us proud!


TriStupe said...

does thatr meant that you ahve to get new shoes to go with the inserts?

Kevin Siah said...

Nolah, they are meant to fit almost any shoes. Just remove those current in-soles in the shoes, and replace them with these inserts.

Heheh, otherwise, die lah! Have to buy new shoes for each insert!

bola2api said...

is this for running shoes or normal working/walking shoes?

A$645 is a lot man.. gila mahal..

Kevin Siah said...

They can be used for any shoes. But podiatrist asked me to use them for walking for now, to get used to it. I supposed, later on, running is where I need them most.

Ya A$645 is a lot of money. But they are meant to last 3-5 years, or 2-3 years if heavy usage. And that covers subsequent consultation and modifications. So seemed like a worthwhile investment.