Tuesday 30 July 2013

Biggest week

Last week was my biggest for this 18 week program to Ironman Whistler. Just a tad over 20 hours and 400kms clocked. Not that I've not done such hours and mileage before - the biggest weeks in my past Ironman training programs were sort of similar. And I have logged in around 18 hours for the past few weeks so this wasn't too much a shock to the system.

With forecasted rain on Saturday, I had to swap my long ride to Sunday and do my long run on Saturday instead. I had 3 hours on the program and the skies looked a bit ominous when I started my run. I wasn't sure how long the weather would hold but thankfully it did, apart from a short period of drizzle. It kept my body temperature cool too. I did 4+ loops around my neighbourhood and did not stop for water until 2 hours into the run. I clocked just under 37kms, which is my longest training run ever - with an average pace of 5:52 per km, a bit quicker than the previous week. It was a nice change having to run on fresh legs without a long ride the day before. 

So Sunday morning I did my long ride - 180km was on the program. I did the extended Lakeside loop, 3 times through. Because of the swapped days, my usual partners in crime were not able to ride with me. The weather started off really promising with clear blue skies but the dark clouds started forming towards the end of my ride. It was pretty windy throughout most of it. Managed to clock 182kms in just under 6 hours. And the rain held off until after I did my 30 min brick run - my legs were feeling pretty sore but I managed a decent average pace of 4:48 per km.

I was meant to have a cross fit workout on Monday but I decided to take a full day's rest to recover. Sometimes it is important to listen to our body and not get caught up with what's on the schedule. Just under 4 more weeks to the big show, let's not take any chances.

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